Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Deep Thoughts and Thank You

In The 6th Discipline Post, I mentioned that little voice inside our head and visualization while training and racing.  As I trained almost all of my workouts in the dungeon that is my basement, on the trainer/treadmill, and swam watching that straight black line for hours…….I thought……a lot.  We focus so much on the training.  Am I getting faster?  Did I push hard enough?  What was my heart rate?  But as I tried to find my mental strength in that basement,  I had to find things to focus on to work on that mental strength.  Anyone who has ever done an IM can tell you, that if you show up 100% physically ready and not mentally prepared, the day will eat you alive.  I just talked with my coach this week for a little mojo boost going into race week and he reminded me that all that mental work I put in will serve me well on race day.  So I thought I would pass some of those deep thoughts along to you and encourage you, if you are short on time, to cut that next main training set short in order to get in one of these ‘workouts.  I do think that ‘training’ that mental strategy needs to be integrated into training in order for athletes to be as successful as they can be.  We all know the elite athletes do visualization of their sport – if it’s helps them be the best – it surely can help us.

Flawless execution of the basics  Before $XX,000 bike that is 100 gms lighter than your other one, before $X,000 wheels, before extra light race tubes; If you don’t have the basics down – swim race start technique (Do you know what it feels like to sprint for 400m and then ‘settle in’ to a swim?), racing the ride (Do you let your heart rate go all over the place because you are focused on your speed and the other athletes passing you or are you staying steady, strong and focused on your level heart rate, getting in perfect hydration and nutrition?), being patient on the run (Do you stay patient on the front end of the run so you can crush the end of the race or do you rush to the end, only to end up walking?  Did you not practice your nutrition in training and end up spending more time in the porta potty?)  If you don’t have the basics down, the oober light equipment and the unrealistic pace goals you set for yourself will be of little help.

Focus on the process not the outcome – If your race time is the only measure of success for you on race day, you could end up sorely disappointed.  Did you really do all those months of training to only have a moment of happiness on race day?  I really hope not, because that was a lot of time away from family and friends for just a few moments.  The training IS the process.  Race Day should be a CELEBRATION of all the hard work put in.  It’s the part we love (don’t we???).  It’s why we get up at 4:00AM.  This also applies to training.  Not every day is our best day.  My swim this morning was crap – but I had a terrible night’s sleep (well, my kiddo had a terrible night sleep ergo…..) – so it was expected.  I also had a run set directly after my swim that I crushed because I was able to forget about my run in the locker room and reset my mind for my 2 x 1 mile sets.

Commit to the plan and process -  When training for an Ironman, you could be training anywhere from 12-24 weeks.  In reality, we sign up a year in advance to make sure we get a spot and start our training then.  So make a plan, commit to it, believe in it, and execute.  When it comes to looking back at your training and racing, if you are trying to learn from mistakes, but didn’t follow a set plan, how will you know what to fix next time?  If you don’t like your plan, or not quite sure if it’s right for you, ask someone.  Hire a coach.  We spend all this money on equipment, race entry and travel and then skimp on having a coach along with us for the journey.  I have a friend (you know who you are K :)) who struggles with sticking to a plan because she loves to be informed and take bits and pieces from plans that ‘fit’ her.  And every season I try to encourage her to just stay the course, and in the end, there are just too many variables to make progress efficient…….she’ll start listening someday (you know I love you!!).   I started as an Endurance Nation Athlete this year.  It was a much different process than I had done before, and certainly for IM training.  For my previous IM I did a 24 week, high volume training plan.  This plan was a 12-wk plan with only 1 long ride each week.  BUT I bought in 12 months before and worked on getting faster during summer race season.  I worked my tiny booty off during the outseason, only did 5 workouts/week and made them count.  I didn’t swim for 14 weeks during outseason (and I wasn’t one ounce slower when I started my 12 week IM training btw – I was iffy about this – but how do you know unless you do it??)  And I said ‘”OK” to only 12-weeks of training and to a lower volume at that while my counter parts were putting in 10+ more hours than I was.  We’ll see what worked and what didn’t…..

Focus on what you are doing NOW – During training, make a focus.  What is your workout today?  What are your goals? Make the most of it.  On race day – did you have a bad swim? – forget about it – get to the bike.  Are people passing you like crazy?  Hmmmm most likely you will see them on the run when they are walking and you’re running because you didn’t use up all your effort on the bike.  Are you H-U-R-T-I-N-G??  Are you barely making it from tree to tree?  Focus on your stride length.  Count to 100.  Focus on 5ft in front of you.  Focus on knee drive.  Oh next aid station is already here?  AWESOME.  Focus on your stride length.  Count to 100… get the idea.  Focus on the task at hand and do whatever you need to do to put one foot in front of the other.  You can do it.  And if you can’t your body will collapse :)  You’re mind will give you EVERY excuse to quit, you have to shut that off, and figure out a way to get it done.

It takes patience and discipline to GO SLOW – It seems counter intuitive, but it’s so much easier to do a VO2 max set than it is a slow Z1 run.  Both are necessary in training -Both deserve the same amount of focus - Because on race day - When you get on that bike and people are blazing by you, you MUST KNOW what it feels like to go slow.  You must know what that ‘I could do this forever as long as someone gave me food and drink’ pace is on the bike and the run.  This is the hardest of all for me.  Not in training, but in racing.  I get anxious on the start of that run.  I’m not ‘fast’ really at any of the disciplines, but at an IM distance, if I can just not slow down over the course of those 26.2 miles, and keep inching up my speed on that run (like I have done for 100s of miles on that stinking treadmill), I will start pegging off my competition like there is no tomorrow.

Visualize your BEST and your WORST day - Every morning when I do my breathing exercises, I think through different parts of my race day.  Being calm on race morning.  Visualizing each leg of the race - including transitions - and telling myself how strong and fast I am.  As my coach reminded me, it's also important to visualize the 'hiccups' that could happen on race day.  Race day never goes as planned.  At some point you fall apart; You have someone grab your ankle and use you as momentum - do you let it rile you up, or 'just keep swimming'?  You drop a nutrition bottle - do you stop and pick it up?  If not, or you're simply unable to logistically, what is your alternate course of action?  Your bike explodes (or some version :) ) - Do you freak out and quit? Or do you take the opportunity to slow down for a sec, get some food in, stretch out your back, and get to the business of fixing your bike.  Do you feel tummy troubles coming on? - Do you just ignore it, it gets worse and you end up passing out in the porta potty? or do you slow down, stop the nutrition, get your tummy right and re-start your run plan.  

Just in case I don’t get in another post before we depart on our long journey.  THANK YOU.  Thank you to the 5 people who read this post and make me feel like I’m putting smiles on faces.  Thank you to all my friends who have supported me through this indoor training.  Thank you to all my family who think I’m crazy, but support me anyway.  Thank you to my Endurance Nation Family.  Being a part of the EN team and family has been awesome – I’m not sure how I would have done this without their help and support.  That community is an awesome place, and I’m happy and proud to be a part of it.  And of course, to my ‘One Thing’.  Even though there are two of you,  There is no T without you.  Thank you for watching T every morning while I got up at 4AM and high fived you in the kitchen when I was done and you had to go to work.  Thank you for taking T all day Saturday while I slaved away on that beloved trainer.  Thank you for all your inspirational messages on the white board that I stared (and cried) at during my runs.  Thank you for coming down to the dungeon and teaching T “GO MOMMY GO”.  Thank you for being willing to embark on this unbelievable journey.  Your love and support will be what carries me through that finish line and gets me from tree to tree.  I apologize in advance for any impossibleness I convey during our trip half way around the world.  I love you.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

IM NZ Race Week and Race Plan

Much of the timing below will really depend on how we are handling the time change (17 hrs ahead).  Plan is to strap the 2 year old to his seat and hope for the best.

Sunday  – Monday 
Stretch, Yoga, Hydrate during travel
Bringing Yamuna balls to roll on in aisle when awake
Arrive in NZ with 4 hour drive to race city Taupo
Assemble bike to make sure everything is a go
Scope out the closest place to get a pump or get to know a neighbor that is racing that has one. 
If I can get it in – 30’ jog
Course Ride 90’
Course Swim 30’
Will be a great day to see what access is like to the race. We are two families and 4 kiddos under 5 yrs old trying to find me on race day, so riding out to the course and getting to the swim venue will help develop those plans.
Race expo is open from 9-5 – play this by ear
Course Swim again 30’
Quick Ride to check set-up 30’
Quick run 30’
Athlete Check-in 9-4.  Would like to get this out of the way, either right after or right before swim/bike/run.
Race expo open from 9-5 – play by ear.
Race briefing 7PM
No working out!
Bike/Bag check-in 10-4. Prob try to go early so he can come with – quick stroll around the venue and then back to the flat to rest.
Rest – Feet Up
Saturday – RACE DAY!!!!!
Early Morning Wake Up 3:45 – 4:00.  Eat ‘breakfast’ which includes my Bullet Coffee with cream, MCT oil and butter, some almond butter and raisins/bananas, and the typical 2 big glasses of lemon/salt water. Lemon/salt water until race start
Transition opens at 5:00.  Get there early. Get set up.  Deep Breaths.  Smile.

As far as race goals go….I tend to have a lot of them….mainly because it allows me to ‘succeed’ along the day, and also because I found that with my First (and only other IM) I needed ways to validate the day in case the unthinkable happened. As with time goals, there are so many other factors that can come into play, time goals can really get into your head if they are not met, so I usually have a time goal, an AG goal, and a ‘Feel’ goal for each discipline.  WRT the Time goals, I also have a good/better/best(usually bordering unrealistic) goals as well.  Lots of chances to ‘succeed’ J

Swim: 0700 AG swim start
Tri Kit, goggles, wetsuit, timing chip, cap
Get in and warm up by 6:40 at the latest.  Drils/swim/drills/swim
Race Plan: Book it for the first 400-500yrds then settle in for the long swim.  Keep my 5 drills in my head to keep focus.  Find bubbles.  Stay relaxed.  Stay lllooooonnnnnggggg. Smile.
Swim Goals: 
Time: 1:08/1:03/sub1:00
AG Goal: Out of the Water Top10/Top5/Top3 [38 females in my AG, so doable]
Feel: Relaxed neck and shoulders during entire swim. Come out of the water feeling rested.

T1: Can’t take wetsuit fully off until in transition, so peel top half off, get to transition, step and strip.  T1 bag – helmet, shoes, socks, chamois cream, suntan lotion. 

Bike:  Ride first 30-40 minutest to settle in.  There is a long hill less than 2 miles in so goal is to get through that nice and easy, start to re-hydrate from the swim. STAY STEADY.  The ride has 4 long hills, (each 4-6 miles long).  DO NOT CRUSH THE HILLS.  This is hard for me.  I’m a small rider who loves to crush hills to prove I’m strong, since the rest of the ride most others are passing me.  Coach P reminded me that race day is not the place to do this J  Keep HR between 137-145.  Start nutrition at bike time 40-45 min as practiced in SO many workouts.  On bike will have front water bottle with lemon/salt, on frame a concentrated lemon/salt, on frame ‘heavy’ nutrition bottle with UCAN.  Sip from front water bottle every 10 minutes.  Take nutrition every 30 minutes.  When I hit the aid stations, poor concentrated hydration into front bottle, get water to fill up front bottle and keep going.  Hit special needs with another bottle of concentrated electrolytes and ‘heavy’ bottle. 
Bike Goals:
Time: 6:14/6:00/5:36 [that last one is a 20mph avg…yeah…..]
AG Goal: Top 50%/Top 25%/Top10%
Feel: Able to stay in aerobars, Negative split, stay strong throughout. Stick to HR.

T2: Plan is to have a Ziploc bag with the items I can put on while running out of transition.  Leave bike shoes on bike.  Helmet/glasses/socks off in that order.  Put garmin on.  Turn Garmin on. New socks on, shoes on, grab bag and go. [bag has race number, visor, nutrition]

Run:  So the run is where I have the most to prove.  In my previous Ironman, I was grinning from ear to ear at the start of the run.  My swim and bike were better than expected. My seat hurt so bad from the bike I was ecstatic to be done with it, and I ran…..way……to ……fast at the start.  I ended up spending lots of time in porta potties, and walk/ran for three hours.  So, slow is smooth, and smooth is fast right?  Pace for first 3 miles is 10:00 +  Pace for miles 3-6 is 9:45 + at the fastest.  I run all my zone 1 workouts with my mouth closed.  Pace miles 6-12 9:30 +, Pace miles 12-18 9:15+, Pace miles 18 – go for it. If I need to open my mouth, I’m running too hard before mile 18.  I tend to get really caught up with numbers, so when I run with a watch, I only look at it when it buzzes at the mile mark, so running on feel is a much better gauge for me.  I can usually get up to an 8:49 mile with my mouth still closed, so these paces might be conservative, but I have to start out that way or I’ll make a repeat of IM WI – not happening.  This run is going to be different.  This run is going to be Great!
Nutrition will be UCAN carried in Hammer Flasks, take water from every aid station, if I need more, I’ll have honey gel in my tri kit pockets.  Use special needs to grab another flask of UCAN.
Run Goals:
Time: 4:30/4:18/4:08
AG: I don’t care – I just want to feel goodJ
Feel: I just want to feel good!  No portapotties. No tummy troubles.  All smiles.

Remember you are in New Zealand.  Remember you have your family and BFF at the finish.  You have so many things to be thankful for.  This race being one of so many.  Whether the day turned out as expected (which it won’t) or not, you are Powerful Beyond Measure.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The 6th Discipline

We all know the 3 disciplines of triathlon:  1.Swim 2.Bike 3.Run

4. Nutrition.   Nutrition is extremely important and when not executed well can turn months of great training into mush on the side of the road.  [You can see more in depth views of my nutrition rants HERE, and HERE.  More to come for sure] 

5.  Transitions.  I’m sure it’s been said by others, but I do think that transitions are a discipline of triathlon.  It’s something that I practice and include in my training.  Even for sprint races, I have T1 and T2 piles on the floor. With my trikit, wetsuit, cap, goggles and race chip in hand I ‘run’ up to my T1 pile and exchange my swim gear for my bike gear – Do I have everything?  Then I turn around and ‘run’ up to my T2 pile and exchange my bike gear for my run gear – Do I have everything?

Could there be a 6th discipline?  I mean how many do we need??  Well, I added another one to my training. 

6.  Self Chatter (or Chattah as my TS Aus friends would say).  We all know that little voice inside our heads “This is too hard”, “I’m so tired”, “I don’t know if I can do this”, “I don’t know if I can reach my goals”.  And we all know the little voice inside our heads (hopefully) that says “You can do this”, “This is worth it”, “Don’t give up”.  We don’t really focus on it, but it is a part of who we are and part of what gets us through the training.  What if we DID focus on it?  What if we had specific mantras that we told ourselves over and over during our training?  What if we visualized crossing that finish line at the hour mark we’ve been working for?  Well I subscribe to you, that if you believe it, it will happen.  In fact I know for certain, that if you don’t believe it, it won’t happen. 

I’m not really one to make excuses – ‘It is what it is’ and I ‘Do the best with what I have’, I might not be 100% during that particular day/workout, but ‘I give 100% of whatever I have’.  I’m not one to get down on myself if a workout doesn’t go as expected, I try to ‘Set it and Forget it’.  BUT I have to admit I am someone who has a hard time telling myself  ‘I am Powerful beyond Measure”.  I’m more afraid of being a 10-hr IM athlete than I am of a DNF at the end of the day.  Seriously.  That’s kind of hard to say out loud, but it’s true.  I’ve taken 1:40 off my 1000yd time trial because I’ve stayed disciplined in working on my technique and not laps.  I am stronger on my bike from continually working on a good fit with a professional fitter, and sticking to my OutSeason like glue to get stronger.  I’ve been able to finish my last three miles of my long runs (13-18 miles) at a sub-8:00 mile pace because of my patience at the beginning of my runs.  Does that calculate to a sub 11-hr IM time?  I don’t know cause I’m scared to do the math!!  I don’t want to know because it just might be possible!!!!

So words of wisdom to myself  “I am powerful beyond measure”, “I am strong”,  “I have committed to this plan and process and I BELIEVE in it making me FASTER”. 

Visualize yourself with that perfect swim stroke.  Grab that shelf and pull yourself over it.  EASY AND FAST.

Visualize yourself being STEADY on the bike, being thankful that your seat isn’t slowing you down, and being STRONG AND FAST.

Visualize yourself running slow that first hour maybe two “Slow is smooth and smooth is fast”… then build… then push.  You can run fast, just DO IT.  Don’t hesitate.  It might hurt, but the faster you run, the faster you get to the finish and see your support crew!!!!!



And remember – this race will take less time that it did to give birth to T – and for those who know those particulars – it will probably be less painful.  Good advice from my midwife and doula “This pain has a purpose” – it sure does.  Ready or not NZ, here I come.